Exploring the mystical in the mundane and the magic in the present moment. Bringing ancient tools & technologies into modern day living. Yoga, mythic & healing conversations with expert & visionary powerhouses sharing their stories & secrets with you to help you live an inspired life. Conscious conversation carves out pathways towards the unfolding of your highest Self & for a sustainable world. Aligned & authentic living are the results on this road less traveled by.

Saturday Feb 12, 2022
#35: Bringing Consciousness into Business
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
In this interview, discussed are tips & strategies to infuse more mindfulness & spirituality into the lands of business & entrepreneurship. Also covered is the importance of doing our own shadow work and how what we don’t see about ourselves infiltrates our professional lives. When we contemplate abundance as energy & set up consistent life & business practices, our personal and professional lives benefit greatly.
Business / Entrepreneur Mantras for when the mind gets unruly or we get unfocused: Business Mantras:
- This too shall pass.
- Everything right now in this moment is perfect (as most stresses and anxieties we have are in the future or in the past).
🧘🏽Listen in, fellow seeker, as this episode ends with a lovely meditation that will leave you feeling more calm.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
✨Become a patron for as little as $3 a month: patreon.com/modernmysticpodcast
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Private F-book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/959629444823656/
✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove
Guest:Jessica of Interviewconnections.com

Saturday Jan 22, 2022
#34: Turn Change into a Transformative Power
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Change is one of the few aspects of life that we can count on with certainty. Yet often when change arrives at our doorstep, we do not seize the opportunity that lives within it of transformation. In this soulcast, offered are contemplative ways to work with these energies in your psyche and in your life from a psychospiritual perspective. When do we process our feelings surrounding change and how can we leverage them into a catalyst for transformation? Archetypal, meditative and shadow work contemplations are detailed so you can embody and deepen a wise relationship with these powerful forces at play in your life. Change is a doorway to profound transformation if we learn to open it.
This 40 min. episode ends with a short, lovely meditation that can be done over and over again.
“ There is nothing permanent except change.” ~ Heraclitus in 500 BCE
Change, like gravity, like taxes, is one of the few inevitable aspects of life that we can count on with certainty. Yet we often resist it or do not explore its potency. Change is a potent doorway into profound transformation if we open it.
What is your relationship to change? Contemplate times when you have had big aspects of your life shift and what was your reaction to them? Change can be a window into transformation if we claim it as such & getting curious about our relationship with change can be a powerful life practice. When we are trying to live in the most aligned, conscious and awake way, making transformation our ally is key.
🧘🏽Listen in, fellow seeker, as this episode ends with a lovely meditation that will leave you feeling more peaceful.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
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Private F-book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/959629444823656/
✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove

Thursday Dec 30, 2021
#33: Sensitivity is Sexy: Empaths, Highly Sensitive People & Psychic Abilities
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Have you been called “sensitive” often or told to toughen up from time to time over the course of your life? Or do you find that you say these things to someone in your world periodically? Perhaps you are extra sensitive to loud noises, harsh lights or you take on others feelings as if they were your own? Explored in this engaging episode are the distinguishing characteristics of empaths versus highly sensitive people (aka HSP) and concrete ways to skillfully work with these personality traits. Also discussed is leveraging the assets of these tendencies & the intersectionality of where they meet psychic abilities.
Sensitivity is in comparison to someone or something else. It can be exceedingly helpful, life affirming and balancing to know where we and our people fall in relationship to these terms. When we don’t shame ourselves or our people for how we are, and add in some practical and applicable knowledge to moment-to-moment life, then we walk further down the path of conscious living.
🧘🏽Listen in, fellow seeker, as this episode ends with a profound meditation that will leave you feeling more peaceful.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
✨Become a patron for as little as $3 a month: patreon.com/modernmysticpodcast
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✨Join conscious conversation & community in the Modern Mystic Podcast
Private F-book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/959629444823656/
✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove

Saturday Nov 27, 2021
#32: Live Your Magic: Hypnosis, Channeling & Trances
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
Saturday Nov 27, 2021
If all answers are within…how do we access them? Exploring tools such as hypnosis, meditation & more help us raise our vibration, mood & find those answers we seek. The original intention of hypnosis & channeling was to help people better understand themselves and to connect to their true core nature. All hypnosis is really “dehypnosis” from our conditioning stemming from our upbringing & from societal messages telling us who we are and how we are supposed to be. When we practice how to ask life direct questions and leave the push and find the pull, then we begin to claim our superhero powers and live in magic.
🧘🏽Listen in, fellow seeker, as this episode ends with a joyful meditation that will leave you feeling more uplifted.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
✨Become a patron for as little as $3 a month: patreon.com/modernmysticpodcast
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Private F-book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/959629444823656/
✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove

Saturday Oct 30, 2021
#31: Ancestral Exploration: A Pathway of Healing
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Our family lineages can be powerful sources of support and healing if we uncover how to skillfully work with them. Even if you’ve never thought of your ancestors much before or if you feel they were duds (or worse!) discussed in this compelling episode are the myriad of psychological & spiritual benefits of doing so. Whether we know our family lineages or not, our ancestors are connected to us by energetic threads, and science has unequivocally proven their stories live in the marrow of our bones in the form of our DNA. Unpacked are safe & interesting ways you can create more revelation, guidance and connection in your life through accessing your family bloodlines. Plus when we learn to energetically and psychologically untangle ourselves from the baggage handed down osmotically to us from our families then we can focus on what is truly ours this lifetime to work on and create a genuinely original life.
A Chinese proverb says to forget one’s ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root.
🧘🏽Listen in, fellow seeker, as this episode ends with a profound ancestral meditation.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
✨Become a patron for as little as $3 a month: patreon.com/modernmysticpodcast
✨Share an episode with a loved one!
👨🏽🤝👨🏼🧑🏾🤝🧑🏻Engage with Community
✨Join conscious conversation & community in the Modern Mystic Podcast
Private F-book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/959629444823656/
✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove

Saturday Sep 25, 2021
#30: Healing & Connection through Plant Medicine, Herbalism & Earth Based Practices
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
In this delightful & deep conversation, discussed is the intersectionality of where herbalism, healing & mysticism meet. Topics such as the importance of viewing illness from a three dimensional lens, what does identifying as a witch can mean & how to grow one’s intuition which leads to more connection in our everyday life are covered. When we balance our intellect with our gut whether it be in our lives, in our healing journeys or when working with plants, magic does happen.
Maintaining a relationship with the mystical aspects of life is about keeping up with practices, connecting, even if they vary. Like any quality relationship, you have to keep up the consistent effort.
When we fail, we have failed to connect. ~ Novel, Howards End, by E. M. Forster
🧘🏽Listen in, fellow seeker, as this episode ends with a helpful meditation that will leave you feeling spiritually empowered.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
✨Become a patron for as little as $3 a month: patreon.com/modernmysticpodcast
✨Share an episode with a loved one!
👨🏽🤝👨🏼🧑🏾🤝🧑🏻Engage with Community
✨Join conscious conversation & community in the Modern Mystic Podcast
Private F-book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/959629444823656/
✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove

Saturday Sep 11, 2021
#29: Astrology & All the Things (love, money, mental health & spirituality)
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
How does astrology reveal empowering information about ourselves and our lives? What is a western astrological natal birth chart exactly? These are just a few of the many fascinating aspects covered in this dazzling episode. Information, lessons and healing in our lives in the areas of money/abundance, career, anxiety, depression and intimacy (romantic and sexual), health & spiritual evolution are elucidated in this not to be missed episode.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
✨Become a patron for as little as $3 a month: patreon.com/modernmysticpodcast
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✨Join conscious conversation & community in the Modern Mystic Podcast
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✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove
Guest: Natalie Levin https://www.natalielevinastrology.com/

Saturday Aug 28, 2021
#28: Ascend to Your Crown: The 7th Chakra
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
The 7th Chakra is perhaps the most elusive because it processes our spiritual & psychological journeys whose primary barometers are on the inside. Developing an active relationship with this energy processing center teaches us through seemingly small, innocuous and ‘mundane” materiality, we can experience mystical, magical and even supernatural moments. It harkens to the notion that through things with seemingly tiny boundaries such as ourselves, we can experience vast things, and that this literal physical world is but a prism through which we can behold the Divine & in doing so our collective humanity.
“To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower, to hold infinity in the palm of one’s hand and eternity in an hour.” ~ William Blake
Note: This is the seventh episode in our Chakra Soulcast Series. Make sure you have checked out the 7 episodes in this series entitled:
- Chakras: The Rainbow Bridge Inside of You - Episode # 16
- Root Chakra: Grow Your Roots & Ground Your Chit - Episode #17
- Reclaiming Abundance, Creativity & Sacred Sexuality: Your Sacral Chakra Episode - #19
- Boundaries, Sovereignty & Unfolding Your Own Myth: The Solar Plexus Chakra - Episode #21
- The Key to Your Heart Chakra - Episode #23
- Find Your Voice & Claim Your Sound: Throat Chakra - Ep. #25
- Open Your Third Eye: The 6th Chakra - Ep. #27
🧘🏽Listen in, fellow seeker, as this episode ends with a crown chakra meditation that will leave you feeling more connected.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
✨Become a patron for as little as $3 a month: patreon.com/modernmysticpodcast
✨Share an episode with a loved one!
👨🏽🤝👨🏼🧑🏾🤝🧑🏻Engage with Community
✨Join conscious conversation & community in the Modern Mystic Podcast
Private F-book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/959629444823656/
✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove

Sunday Jun 06, 2021
#27: Open Your Third Eye: The 6th Chakra
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
The third eye center is a powerful confluence of energy that has been acknowledged by many traditions and cultures. When we learn and develop the ability “to see” with more than our physical sight, then worlds of depth and magic reveal themselves within & without. Discussed are practical themes & concrete ways to work with this sometimes illusive chakra including developing our senses of perception, the recognition of patterns and the capacity to dream which allow this chakra to thrive and to flourish. Tips on how to decipher and work with both excesses and deficiencies in this potent chakra are offered as well as accessible healing tools and compelling insights.
“Trust the dreams, for hidden in them is the gate to eternity.” - Kahlil Gibran
Stay tuned and be on the lookout for more upcoming “Soulcasts” where we will go chakra by chakra (one episode per each chakra) and you can learn about this powerful technology that blends Eastern Wisdom & Modern Day life so you can move towards more mystical mastery and mindfulness living.
Note: This is the seventh episode in our Chakra Soulcast Series. Make sure you have checked out the 7 episodes in this series entitled:
- Chakras: The Rainbow Bridge Inside of You - Episode # 16
- Root Chakra: Grow Your Roots & Ground Your Chit - Episode #17
- Reclaiming Abundance, Creativity & Sacred Sexuality: Your Sacral Chakra Episode - #19
- Boundaries, Sovereignty & Unfolding Your Own Myth: The Solar Plexus Chakra - Episode #21
- The Key to Your Heart Chakra - Episode #23
- Find Your Voice & Claim Your Sound: Throat Chakra - Ep. #25
🧘🏽Listen in, fellow seeker, as this episode ends with a 3rd eye chakra balancing meditation.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
✨Become a patron for as little as $3 a month: patreon.com/modernmysticpodcast
✨Share an episode with a loved one!
👨🏽🤝👨🏼🧑🏾🤝🧑🏻Engage with Community
✨Join conscious conversation & community in the Modern Mystic Podcast
Private F-book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/959629444823656/
✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove

Saturday May 22, 2021
#26: Ritualize Your Life: Create Meaning & Magic Each Day
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Want to create more meaning, connection & magic into your life? In this compelling episode discussed are the different types of rituals and how one can integrate them into the fabric of one’s life which benefits the nervous system as well as one’s psychological and spiritual health. Rituals are a bridge that allow us to pause and connect to the sanctity of life and to integrate the depth of our experiences in meaningful & wise ways. Included are tips to midwife both micro & macro rituals as well as a short guided meditation that you can use in your day-to-day life.
Discussed are 2 Types of Ritual, things to consider when creating a ritual and rites of passage. Ritual heals our nervous system from a psychological perspective.
🧘🏽Listen in, fellow seeker, as this episode ends with a moving meditation that will leave you feeling more connected to yourself.
Click here to listen! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/modern-mystic/id1510946243
🎁FREE Gifts for you as an appreciated listener:
- Intuition Building Toolkit: modernmystic.love/intuition
- How to Protect Your Energy: https://www.modernmystic.love/energy
- Meditation: modernmystic.love/freemeditation
- Yoga: modernmystic.love/freeyoga
☄️Opportunities to work with Kilkenny:
✨Vibrant Venus Elite Coaching: book an exploratory call today:
✨I offer profound psychic medium readings modernmystic.love/readings
✨I offer one-on-one Astrology Oracle readings. (*This includes a copy of your birth chart and an audio recording of the session) modernmystic.love/readings
✨The Modern Mystic Membership is an on-line haven to support your body, mind and soul giving you access to a library of over 100 tantric yoga, meditation, breathwork, astrology, and intuition development classes in addition to bonus content from my brilliant podcast guests.To get a sampling of FREE videos on this elegant membership platform: https://www.modernmystic.love/plans-pricing
🙏Invitation to support the Podcast:
✨Please subscribe, 5 star rate and review the podcast on Apple Music, Spotify or wherever you listen to it. These 3 things can take 30 seconds and are hugely beneficial for the podcast’s mission to help others make their spirituality and actuality.
✨Become a patron for as little as $3 a month: patreon.com/modernmysticpodcast
✨Share an episode with a loved one!
👨🏽🤝👨🏼🧑🏾🤝🧑🏻Engage with Community
✨Join conscious conversation & community in the Modern Mystic Podcast
Private F-book Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/959629444823656/
✨Get inspiring insights on IG: @mystickilkenny @modernmysticlove